Psilocybin leads to a better overall outcome in the treatment of moderate to severe major depressive disorder (MDD) than the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) escitalopram, results of the first long-term comparison of the two treatments suggest.
"This is the first work to compare the long-term effects of these two drugs in the context of overall well-being, not just freedom from depression," study investigator Tommaso Barba, PhD, candidate Imperial College London, London, England, said in a press release. "Psilocybin outperformed escitalopram in several measures of well-being, meaning in life, work, and social functioning." Find out more here.
At Oasis Wellness & Recovery, Dr. Milbrandt is certified in psilocybin-assisted therapy. We will begin offering this innovative treatment option as soon as it is legally available.